Friday, September 30, 2005

A Taste of the Dream

My house was a total zoo today. A mess of people, wires, bright lights, and expensive equipment filled every space.

A film crew was making use of my home to film an episode of the popular comedy home-reno show Me, My House & I. I won't spoil the surprise, but I can tell you that they didn't actually renovate anything, and in fact, brought in this amazing Lamborghini to park in my driveway.

It was awesome having a film crew working through my home. The only trouble was... the house may have been mine, but the crew wasn't! I can't wait for the day when my family and I will be heading up even larger crews to direct family-oriented TV programming, feature films, and new multimedia.

Just a little taste of the dream.

Friday, September 23, 2005

More Misguided Finger-Pointing

Last nights news here in Ottawa once again showed a misguided individual taking his frustration from an accident, and using it to fuel another rediculous campaign to destroy something good in this country.

And this time, it's sticken pretty close to home.

Sadly, a highschool girl died the other day in a whitewater rafting accident while on her school Outdoor Ed trip. Her death, while it occured during the rafting, was actually due to heart failure, and not at all at the fault of the rafting itself.

However, her grieving father has taken it upon himself to put an end to all outdoor education programs in Ottawa highschools.

The foolishness has to stop. People need to start accepting things as accidents, and stop pointing the blame at reasons that are completely unrelated. It's just like how there's piles of stupid people in the states blaming people and government for New Orleans and Katrina. It's a hurricane, fools! Nobody maliciously created a hurricane to destroy a city.

I am a full supporter of the Outdoor Education program in highschools. I graduated top in my class, and helped the teachers run the course for the following two years. Not to mention I had been in Scouts for over 16 years, with plenty experience in whitewater. I am an accomplished whitewater canoer, with professional training including whitewater rescue.

Canada is a vast land of beauty and the ideal terrain for camping and adventure sports. It is only natural that the schools should offer this program to take advantage of some of the blessings we have in this country.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Yes You Can

Yes You Can... this was the message that Team Hoyt carries to the world.

Consisting of Dick and Rick Hoyt, the father-son partnership has competed in over 920 athletic events... and has never been in last place. They've challenged the world through many challenges, including the Boston Marathon, cycling across North America, and the triathlons.

Team Hoyt are accomplished athletes, yet this is not what makes them special.

Dick's son, Rick, was born with cerebral palsy.

At his birth, doctors diagnosed that Rick would be a vegetable all of his life. His parents refused to give up, and pledged that they would raise their son like any normal boy.

To this day, he is still confined to a wheelchair, and used a computer to talk for him. Despite his shortcomings, Rick has even gotten his highschool and university degrees.

Through every racing event, Dick carries, pulls, pushed, or tows his son. After an emotional first run, Rick confides to his father that while they're running, he can forget about his disabilities.

I had the priviledge of seeing Dick speak at a business conference this past weekend, where he talked about one of their greatest challenges: the Hawaii Ironman. The longest, by far, with a 2.4 mile swim, a 112 mile bike, and a 26.2 mile run.

Team Hoyt are an amazing example to all, that you can accomplish great things if you believe that you CAN.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Katrina vs. Technology

Through the passing of hurricane Katrina, we are given a glimpse into the future of technology and culture. For the first time in human history, up-to-date and accurate news has been brought directly into households around the world, as well as to fellow Katrina victims. All without reporters.

How is this possible? Well let's go over a few of the many many scenarios that recently came to pass in the flooding of New Orleans.

First, picture a man sitting on the roof of his house. Turbulent waters swirl through the rooms below. As the events unfold, he writes down every detail into his wireless laptop, and uploads the information directly to his blog. Hourly. To receive updates from fellow bloggers across town, he has only to search for them.

Second, imagine a typical teenage youth wandering the streets looking for surviving friends, or simply the next meal. While he forages, he is constantly taking photos with his cellphone, and uploading them directly to his photoblog or Flickr account.

Next, a middle-aged tech industry worker is in his 5th-floor highrise apartment. Stranded there, he sets his webcam on his windowsill, and opens his account for anyone in the world may view real-time video of the flooding and rescue operations.

Here I am at home in Canada, listening to a podcast from Focus on the Family on my iPod. They are interviewing a US congressman over his cellphone in New Orleans, just as he is stepping from a helicopter to survey the damage to the city.

Sure, not all civilian news is trustworthy, but on average, it is far more reliable than television news stations. For example, stations here in Ottawa are weeping over an apparent lack of contribution to aid the crisis victims. They entirely failed to mention that the SBC and IMB have large teams present in New Orleans, handing out over 300,000 meals a day!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Why I Can't Get a Date

Ah yes, well according to a recent internet test I've taken, I cannot find a girlfriend, because I am known as the "Male Best Friend". This discovery is amusing, not unexpected, and quite telling.

A woman has a close male friend. This means that he is probably interested in her, which is why he hangs around so much. She sees him strictly as a friend. This always starts out with, you're a great guy, but I don't like you in that way. This is roughly the equivalent for the guy of going to a job interview and the company saying, You have a great resume, you have all the qualifications we are looking for, but we're not going to hire you. We will, however, use your resume as the basis for comparison for all other applicants. But, we're going to hire somebody who is far less qualified and is probably an alcoholic. And if he doesn't work out, we'll hire somebody else, but still not you. In fact, we will never hire you. But we will call you from time to time to complain about the person that we hired.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Cure for AIDS in Africa

The key to stop the spread of the AIDS virus in the world is prevention. When it comes to that, there is only one definate way.

AIDS is a blood borne virus, and therefore only communicable through the exchange of blood. Infected blood has to actually enter your own bloodstream for you to catch the disease.

How can you get AIDS? Not by sharing a cup, a toilet seat, or by kissing. You would literally have to either rub wounds together, share a needle, or have sex with an infected individual. We can probably rule out rubbing wounds together, and somehow I don't think that 26 million people in Africa are sharing cocaine needles. That only leaves one thing: sexual promiscuity. People are shacking up... in shacks. Seriously. Condoms aren't reliable, and you can forget the pill, it doesn't prevent any diseases.

You want 100% perfect prevention for AIDS?

Abstinence. Refrain from having sex until marriage. Stop screwing around. It works. Try it.

From a religious perspective: God is not a punishing god. His commandments and the bible shows us what sort of problems we'll run ourselves into if we don't listen to Him.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Hamas Confess

Well this pretty much proves it. So much for people arguing that the Palestinians are entirely innocent.

We already know that all of the major terrorist acts in the world were commited by muslims, but now they're actually bragging about it.

Hamas has started the competition by revealing their once-secretive military wing and claiming credit for a long string of terrorist activity, apparently believing that this will bolster their popularity among the Palestinian people

rest of the article
To take it further, the arrogant bastards have even posted photos, bios, and interviews of their key terrorist leaders on their website, with the hopes to gain further support from the muslim people.

I would not be surprised if those key leaders started mysteriously "disappearing" one by one...

Friday, September 02, 2005

ACLU Supports Child Rape

The so-called "American Civil Liberties Union", the ACLU, now supports raping children. Or, shall I say, the "right" to rape children.

The ACLU is officially backing the NAMBLA pedophiles (North American Man - Boy Love Association) in a large legal battle currently taking place. Two of NAMBLA's members recently kidnapped, and raped a young boy until he died. This isn't the first time, as over 200 child kidnappings, and 155 resulting deaths have been through members of this vile organization. The ACLU are arguing that it is an act of freedom of speech and expression.

ACLU are also responsible for: keeping parents from learning about their children's school studies, supporting gay marriage, supporting abortion, portraying the Columbine shootings as "expression of free speech", and for banning religion in schools and therefore removing freedom of speech and beliefs without persecution.

They are undermining the foundations our countries have been built upon. They are liberally screwing our rights, our families, our beliefs, our schools, and now our children.

Hear more about this from Focus on the Family