Monday, April 25, 2005

Internet Evangelism Day

Sunday April 24th was officially Internet Evangelism Day.

What is it you ask? An awareness day to promote the use of internet and it's technologies to churches.

Why? With over 220 million people on the internet in North America alone, it is a great opportunity for Christians to get online, make some friends, and show people the amazing joy that God has brought into our lives.

The internet isn't just for techies. Everyone has opportunities to write, counsel, or chat about your faith.

Here's some great examples of ways that Christians can help people and make a difference in their communities and cyberspace:

  • chat rooms
  • bulletin boards
  • gaming
  • teaching IT & computer use
  • blogging
  • podcasts
  • internet communities
  • forums

Of Liberals and Taliban

This was dug up and posted by Girl on the Right a couple of days ago. Sadly, it sounds all too true.

The Liberal Party leader and the Taliban leader are both hiding. They both communicate through video tapes. Neither want to be investigated or put on trial. The Liberal Party and the Taliban have a deep hate for the US and democracy in general. They both seem to acquire funding through nefarious sources.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Martin Delays the Inevitable

Today Paul Martin announces that he will be indeed calling an election, after the Gomery Inquiry is finished near the end of December.

It's clear now that he is only delaying the inevitable. But do not be mistaken! It is a cunning and sleazy plan. In pushing off the election by another year, he will be accomplishing three goals.

First, he is keeping his job. Which by now, we all know he should be rid of.

Secondly, Martin is trying to improve his image to the nation by appearing to be the brave one by calling the election himself. Due to his complete lack in moral judgement over the past couple of years worth of issues, he is not doing a good job at making himself look good.

Lastly, Martin is yet again using some of his favourite tactics. By prolonging the election date, he is hoping for enough time for another issue to arise (or be created) that will draw away the attention of the voters. It is simple misdirection. Watch over the next few months, and do not forget.

Giving Crack to Children

Attempting to slow the spread of HIV through the crack-cocaine crowd seems to be a good idea at first, but the Canadian Healthcare's method is far from conscionable. They are making the decision to give out free hermetically sealed crack pipes.

Sure this may keep crack addicts from sharing needles amongst themselves, but it certainly isn't going to discourage them from the drug! Far from it, giving out free crack pipes will only encourage them to continue to pursue their addiction, and at the same time, give other members of society the false image that crack-cocaine is safe and is recommended by the government. Once again, the children of this nation will be given the wrong idea, and will be encouraged to ruin their lives.

A few years ago, a similar idea was promoted by the liberal government healthcare: condoms. The idea was to give out free condoms in schools in the attempt to lower the growing number of STD's. Their decision was terribly wrong. Over the last few years, giving out free condoms has served to encourage younger ages to acts of promiscuity. The more likely they are to perform sexual intercourse, the greater the chances of transmitting STD's, even with the use of a condom. Due to this new wave of immorality sweeping through to younger generations, the STD rate has risen over the last few years up to nearly 1 in every 4 Canadians.

Canadian Inquisition

After following the Gomery Inquiry being reported through CQ or your local newspaper and TV stations, it is easy to see that Canada is steadily in decline. As the Inquiry unfolds, more and more proof arises to give serious doubt to the Liberal leadership. Over the last weeks, countless cases of money laundering, pocket padding, and downright theft has been uncovered throughout the Liberal government. Sadly, the Prime Ministers Office is also directly tied to millions of dollars in theft. With many conflicting moral issues burning through Canada over the last year, it is no wonder that one more is added to the list.

They then had the gall to cancel the House of Commons sanctioned Opposition Days for the next couple of months in a sleazy attempt to deadlock themselves into government, removing any real chance to question their leadership. Luckily enough, the Tories managed to fight through the blockade and schedule a single Opposition Day on May 19th. You may find yourself asking, "what are Opposition Days?", and I will answer that now. An Opposition Day is normally a regularly scheduled session, mandatory in the legislature, and generally weekly, where any opposing party may ask whatever questions they like to the current governing party.