Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Photoshop Tennis

It's a pretty simple idea, really: One player emails a Photoshop document to the other containing a single layer. Each player progressively adds a layer until the match is over, either by time, withdrawal, or mutual consent. A guest adds comments in real time and the people watching vote for a winner. - Read at G4

Started by Croudal Partners, this deceptively simple concept sounds like a sport I would definately be interested in! It's taking the design community by storm, and is a fantastic way to promote creativity, collaboration, competition, and plain old fun.

Begin with a randomly chosen image or set of images, and start the game. The artists take turns manipulating the previous layers, and adding one new layer to the mix. The only rules, are that you can only add one layer, and you can't completely cover the previous layers (so you have to use elements from the previous rounds).

Anyone have any ideas on how to use this as a ministry/evangelism/discipleship tool?

I'd love to give this a try if I can find anyone as crazy as me.

Coudal Partners - started Photoshop Tennis
LayerMatch - great examples of battles
G4 - video minidoc

Monday, November 28, 2005

Bye Bye Government

I've just witnessed the making of Canadian history.

Just a moment ago, I watched the non-confidence vote on television. The Liberals have been deemed no longer fit to run the government. The house of commons voted 171 to 131 to holding elections in January.

I am not surprised at this development, since the unveiling of the Gomery Report has already judicially proven that many of the leading members of the Liberal Party, including the former prime minister, Jean Crétien, have led a bout in organized crime that has literally stolen hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayers money.

Not to mention the biblical and family issues and values that the Liberal party has destroyed over their previous terms:

  • abortion and partial-birth abortion
  • gay marriage
  • prescription of marijuana
  • law against reciting in public or printing certain verses from the Bible
  • equal justice for all not like how Svend Robinson, who was then a premier, was only given a slap on the wrist even though he stole a $6400 ring
  • complete failure to ensure the safety of Canada through military
  • refusing to stand up for international safety and peace
... and so much more, like the newly uncovered scheme of illegal insider trading amongst Liberals.

Elections are coming January 23rd! Be sure to vote for your premiers who represent the one party who stands up for what's right, moral, legal, and biblical.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Passion Toronto

Yesterday, about 20 of us from Celebration! Church in Ottawa drove on down to Toronto to join in the first Passion conference in Canada!

It was a fantastic evening of prayer and worship... lead by Louie Giglio and his all-star team of worship musicians, Charlie Hall, Chris Tomlin, and David Crowder.

I was fortunate enough to be able to attend the Passion 05 conference in Nashville, Tennessee earlier this year with 7 others from my church, and it was amazing to see it finally come to Canada.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Building Tech Teams

Found a great article over at anthonycoppedge.com about building strong tech teams. Great ideas, and great principles. Such as event-specific lanyards, or setting the standard that all new volunteers, no matter how much experience they have, must start with the basics (wrapping cables, cleaning, etc) to show that they are capable of committing to such an important ministry!
