Friday, December 22, 2006

Skimping on Ads

...our instrument is how we present the church's message to those around us. In either case, we shouldn't cheap out or do it halfway in order to save a few bucks. The gesture only works if it's total and complete. A half-designed brochure is a failure.
Go read the rest of this article over at Church Marketing Sucks. I know it's a bit old, but definitely a good one.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Electric Extortion

Just the other day, a worker came over from Hydro Ottawa to install their new Smart Meter into our home, and every home in the city.

Their plan, is to charge people more for electricity used during 'peak hours'. Peak hours, being anytime between 7am to 11am, and 5pm to 8pm during most of the year.

As I've discussed before, the Ontario Hydro companies continuously fail to meet the standard sales technique of supply and demand. Normally, when consumers demand more, the suppliers will produce more, and therefore increasing their business. Hydro Ottawa, however, is extortion of an essential service.

And naturally, there will always be an increase in demand for electricity. Think about it, not only is their an increase in computers and electronic gadgets, but the population of Canada is rising by 250,000 immigrants a year, and an additional 100,000 or so refugees. Who, of course, require electricity as well.

So instead of extorting prices to try and drive down consumption, they should merely build more plants to produce the power required. Simple supply and demand.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Preparing for Marriage

Mark your calendars for June 2nd!

Marriage preparations are falling a little behind: we still need to find a church to get married in. Our home church, Sequoia, is pretty transient, and meets in a highschool gym. So it's not really an option for a Saturday wedding. So if you know of any good venues in Ottawa, let me know!

But really, the most important aspect of getting ready for marriage, is going extremely well. Premarital counseling. I'd advise any couples to go through it once they're engaged. It will help you build that foundation that will hold your marriage together for the years to come.

With the help of our pastor, Rick Lamothe, we're studying Preparing for Marriage: God's Way.

Shannon and I have had our first session, and are already off to a great start. The book covers everything from interests, faith, communication, finances, to love languages, relationships and commitment.

Pastors, pick up a copy of the book, and go through it with every couple who comes to you wanting to be married.