Need More Books
We, (the multimedia-impassioned-Christians), need to write more books.
There. I've said it!
Walk into any Christian book store, and I challenge you to find a single useful and relevant book written for our ministry. I poured through the latest LifeWay resources catalog, and couldn't find a single one there either.
Is it that people in our field are too busy? Too occupied with the countless hours required to pursue excellence in their ministry for Jesus?
Well, there's plenty of online resources. We love the internet, and it works for us. Just take a look at the links on my sidebar over there -->
Maybe it's just me, but wouldn't it be nice to have something in print? Readily available for newcomers entering the field? I would love to see this happen. Even if it's just a "most popular" anthology from the Church Marketing Lab. A collaboration would be ok too. I'd even be willing to help with that.
So sharpen your pencils. Open up your Word and OpenOffice documents. Fire up your Quark and inDesign. It's time to get writing!