Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Church Site Check-list

With the Internet Evangelism Day coming up on April 29th, 2007, Sequoia has decided to completely redo their website. So we've put together a small but promising team to look after it.

So why redo the entire site design and content? Try taking the site design check-list, and see where you stand. In a day and age where everybody looks up your website before dealing with anybody, it would be in your church's best interest to score over 250 out of 377 on that test.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Excellence, Lewis style

"Let choirs sing well or not at all. Otherwise we merely confirm the majority in their conviction that the world of business, which does with such efficiency so much that never really needed doing, is the real, the adult, and the practical world; and that all this culture and religion (horrid words both) are essentially marginal, amateurish, and rather effeminate activities."

C.S. Lewis
Some Christian media groups that are striving:
Check out some of the others on my sideboard under E-Ministry