Thursday, April 21, 2005

Giving Crack to Children

Attempting to slow the spread of HIV through the crack-cocaine crowd seems to be a good idea at first, but the Canadian Healthcare's method is far from conscionable. They are making the decision to give out free hermetically sealed crack pipes.

Sure this may keep crack addicts from sharing needles amongst themselves, but it certainly isn't going to discourage them from the drug! Far from it, giving out free crack pipes will only encourage them to continue to pursue their addiction, and at the same time, give other members of society the false image that crack-cocaine is safe and is recommended by the government. Once again, the children of this nation will be given the wrong idea, and will be encouraged to ruin their lives.

A few years ago, a similar idea was promoted by the liberal government healthcare: condoms. The idea was to give out free condoms in schools in the attempt to lower the growing number of STD's. Their decision was terribly wrong. Over the last few years, giving out free condoms has served to encourage younger ages to acts of promiscuity. The more likely they are to perform sexual intercourse, the greater the chances of transmitting STD's, even with the use of a condom. Due to this new wave of immorality sweeping through to younger generations, the STD rate has risen over the last few years up to nearly 1 in every 4 Canadians.

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