Crossing the Distance
Bridging the gap in a long-distance relationship is always difficult thing. Chances are, you probably only get to see your girlfriend once a month... so what do you do in the meantime?
"Distance makes the heart grow fonder" is a load of crap. But thanks to modern technology, there's many ways for you to interact with your significant other... even though you may be miles apart.
The key to success in any relationship is communication. So be sure to make lots of use telephones, email, and instant messaging. The tech-savvy are one-up in this area. Try chatting with a webcam, which allows you to see the person directly. Even use of VoIP can save you a whole lot of money on phone calls in the long run. Perhaps even write a blog together?
Or for the truly insane, there's a plethora of new products out there (most of which are totally creepy, unless that's your thing).
- Cups that alert you when your partner is drinking from their own.
- Pillows that light up with instant messages.
- Shirts that create pressure and warmth when the other one is hugged.
- Robotic pillows that will allow you to actually hug each other (reallllly creepy)

Maintaining a long-distance relationship is entirely possible. With enough devotion, determination, faith, and a long-term plan to permanently bridge the distance, you are bound successful.
Ahhh distance... so fun, except not.
Also fun (except not), is living a 15 minute walk away from someone, yet working conflicting schedules so you still only see each other on weekends (however, much easier to handle than once a month visits).
I'm in that boat right now. heh
Ah well. Communication certainly is key, and it is managable if both parties involved are willing to do their part.
I'm so ridiculously happy for the both of you. =D I know things will turn out well. Also know, that I'm here if you ever need anything.
btw.... those products you posted are scary as heck dude...
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