Thursday, June 30, 2005

On Location

We spent yesterday on location, doing some preliminary shooting for a TV pilot.

Shown here: Trevor holding the boom, and myself on the camera.

We'll be back there in July for a week to film the entire pilot. If all goes as planned, we'll be in full production next summer.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Liberals Rear-End Canada

Well it's official, Canadian Liberals have completed their first major campaign to destroy the foundation of marriage in Canada.

But it won't stop there. The next step is to destroy the minds of our children. The gay coalitions have already made preparations and have rewritten the basic curriculums for all public schools. They will now begin teaching sexual education to even younger ages, and openly encouraging homosexual behaviour, as well portraying the act of sodomy as regular natural intercourse.

In a few years, we will be welcoming entire generations of youth who have grown up while being encouraged to pursue degenerative behaviour. Personally, I would be sure to home-school children, as the Canadian government can no longer be trusted.

The light in this all, is that the Conservative party has just commited that they will bring up same-sex marriage in the next ellection, and make it a major issue to consider.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Global Warming: The Real Reason

Of course we already knew that the Kyoto Protocol was one massive $10 billion waste of Canadian taxpayer's money, but now comes even more proof... and this time, from the scientific community itself!

Over the last while, a petition by the Science and Environmental Policy Project has reached over 15,000 signatures from known and respected scientists from around the U.S.

The scientific community has finally agree. They have finally discovered, decided, and agreed upon the real reason for the Global Warming (of 1 degree in 100 years) is not created at all by greenhouse gasses, but instead, the change in global climate is entirely due to... (drum roll please)... the SUN!

(fancy that?)

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Defend Marriage

We are steadily approaching another fall in the values of this country.

Defend Marriage as it was designed to be!

We talked to a PM today, and were told that Paul Martin plans to settle the gay marriage vote by Monday Night.

We cannot let a mere 300-plus people decide the future of civilization in Canada. Especially since the Gomery Inquiry has broken loose, we know that about half of those PM's are untrustworthy and immoral to begin with.

Now, more than ever, we urgently need to talk to our PM's, and explain to them the foundations of marriage that this country has been built on.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Real friend? Real worried.

I stumbled across the blog of a friend of mine, and it worries me.

It seems that she's been having some difficulties and misgivings about life commitments I know she's made over the last year or two concerning her faith and habits. Especially now that she's back in her hometown, away from positive influence.

Finding her blog is a bit of a wakeup call, and I'm a little disturbed it's the first time I'm hearing about these things. Maybe she is too shy to mention her thoughts to me. Hopefully she knows that I will not hold them against her, nor will I think less of her for struggling with these issues.

I should call her. At least to give her some positive words of encouragement.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Gotham City: Ottawa

Saw the new Batman Begins movie last night. It was fantastic. Way beyond any Batman film to date, and it even beats most of the latest slew of cinema based on comics. A definate must-see.

During the film, a strange coincidence dawned on me. Our Nation's Capital, Ottawa, can be likened to the dark metropolis of Batman's Gotham City.

The cities share these in common:

What we need, is a real-life Batman! Someone who is willing to fight the injustice in the Canadian society. Fight for what's right and good. Take the capturing of criminals into his own hands, and aid in delivering justice to the Canadian people!

Maybe call him CanadianGooseMan, or MooseMan, or maybe even MosquitoMan!

Whatever his costume or sign may be, turn on the searchlights, and shine his sign high into the skies over our fair city!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Equipment Arrival

Picking up the pace! Equipment is starting to arrive for the shooting next week. For this one, we're going totally digital.

It's still a bit early to give away any details on the project... I'll just say we're doing the pilot for a reality-TV series.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Doggie Hunter

Well that one was certainly a surprise! We have two american foxhounds... big hunting dogs, that have turned into complete babies. They have their little kennel outside, and the yard is fenced in for them to run freely during the day.

My family was in the middle of a meeting, when Maggie, my sisters dog, goes trotting by the kitchen window with most of a rabbit hanging out of her mouth! My sister rushes outside to try and take it away from her, but Maggie escaped, and manages to chew, pulverize, and finally swallow it whole.

A little disturbing, since our dogs are not used to eating anything but kibble.

Good to see they still have the instincts though.

When you think about it, many humans have a different source of instincts. We have no animal instincts, but instead those ingrained into us by God that are heightened by adrenaline, hormones, and conditioning.

For example, I hold myself to loyalty and duty to my loved ones. If something were to happen that would endanger them, I would most likely act instinctively to protect them.

(after all, the name William means "Protector")

Monday, June 06, 2005

Wild Heart

The past weekend I had an incredible opportunity to lead 32 of my fellow band of brothers from Sequoia out into the wilderness. The journey was designed as a spiritual one, where men can be true men, and recover their heart and passion for life that has been squashed by everyday mundane life.

My job, was to get them through the weekend alive. Many of these men had never been camping or in a canoe before, and over the course of 3 days, I had to train them, and lead them safely through the rapids of the Petawawa in Algonquin Park.

The other adventure aspect of the trip was led by Dan, who took us rapelling over a 300ft cliff.

Overall, all of the men really grew a lot over the trip, including myself. I am more recommited than ever to strive. To achieve my dreams and my goals. To build the purpose that God has created me for, and to rescue the beauty who is trapped in her tower.