Friday, August 19, 2005

Stepping it Up

We had a great meeting last night with the other Sequoia media leaders. Now we're taking action to step up the excellence of the church.

There's lots of great things happening with each of the worship, sunday production, sound tech, and multimedia teams. Short term, and long term.

One of the great ideas we're pursuing, is to create a Press Kit for the church. With the increase in readily-available technology, and small-production in the church (homemade ministry videos, music, print material, etc.) we see the need to ensure that Sequoia is properly represented.

While we're very open to having members create their own media for the church, the press kit will ensure that our name, logos, style, and beliefs will be effectively reproduced in the created media. Also, this will keep media that misrepresents our church from being acknowledged or distributed.

The Sequoia Press Kit will contain, in various file formats:

  • logos for the church and various ministries
  • colour swatch and schemes ready for print
  • font sets
  • what we believe in
  • official slogans, mottos, etc.

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