Tuesday, February 28, 2006

CSI: Effect

Face it. Media affects our lives. Take a look at the hit television series, CSI... Over 100 episodes of riveting forensics suspense. Entertaining, educational, and emotional. But how does it change our lives?

Well since the show came out, universities and colleges have had a major influx of applicants to their forensic sciences and criminology programs. And criminals have become smarter: using things they've learned from the show, like bleach to clean the crime scene.

And what's funny, is some of the aspects of the show aren't even real. Like in the real world, there's actually dozens of people involved in the forensics and investigation, all highly specialized. The person who does the arrest doesn't actually do the forensics work themselves.

Whether we choose to believe it or not, media really does change how you think and feel. It sets fashions, determines purchases, and changes morals and politics.

So is it really affecting your life? Try the Full Tilt Media Challenge. Go 30 days while only listening to positive Christian music and media, and then go back to your old habits. You'll find a huge difference.


Shannon said...

i hereby claim 1% of all profits from this blog post :o)

Anonymous said...

I'm doing the full tilt media challenge....it's challenging, but I'm beginning to see a difference! *hug*
Thanks for the link! It's great :)

Good luck with everything! And I'll be praying for you and your family. :) I"m moved, and won't have access to the net much, so this is my little message :-P
Take care and God bless.
You're an amazing guy, you're going to do amazing things :)
Stay strong, and who knows? :) I'll talk to ya whenever I can! *hug*

Love in Christ,
